Welcome to the club.
BidClub is an investment club that looks to curate liquid crypto investment ideas that's well-written, insightful, directional, and opinionated, with members who self-select and stay purely based on merits. If you prefer clarity to equivocation, insight to regurgitation, substance to fluff, and symphonies to mere sound bites, we will be welcoming you with open arms.
Bid Smarter.
Member Perks
Unlimited access to all BidClub research and curation content.
The ability to comment, like, bookmark, etc on BidClub.
Anything we do on the live-events and Web3 economics front.
A badge of honor and heightened engagement from like-minded, insightful members.
How to Apply
You've decided to apply to be a BidClub Membership and put forth your research pieces - we appreciate your hard work.
How it works
- Sign in with Google and create a guest account.
- Click "Begin My Application".
- Complete the Application post and write your research piece!
- Submit when you are ready, and the application is live.
- BidClub's Bored Members will review your application within 2 weeks based on expected performance and quality of writing.
- If enough Bored Members approve, you will be accepted as a member.
- To keep your membership for the 12 month period thereafter, you must submit 2 qualifying research post (with a blended score > 4) and rate 20 ideas posted by other members. You can find more about this in our Q&A section.
The BidClub Commandments
1. Money can't buy everything
The only way to become a BidClub member is to pitch a solid investment idea and be voted in by the Bored Members. We will never have paid access or relationship-based access — every accepted member stands on his/her own merit.
2. 2 & 20
Maintain your BidClub membership by contributing at least 2 quality investment ideas with the club, and evaluating at least 20 ideas from other members each year.
3. Stand for something, even if you stand alone
We write investment pitches to deliver timely, actionable alpha so be directional, explicit, and opinionated. Never be afraid to stand firm in your convictions, even if they go against the grain.
4. Do it for the crowd, not for the clubhouse
Pitch things most people can participate in. This means investments that are accessible in public markets. We discourage private investment ideas only accessible to small groups. Don't be a VCooooor.
5. As simple as possible, but no simpler
While an overly lengthy, outdated post is bad, a lack of effort is worse. Write clean and write well — timely, concise notes that capture the detail needed to paint a complete picture are best.
6. Do the right thing
When in doubt, choose to do the right thing. With your writing, never plagiarize, lie, or intentionally mislead. Always disclose your affiliations. Treat other members and their content with a certain level of respect.
7. Friends aren't exit liquidity
You know who those people are, don't be like them. Play infinite games with good people — PvE is better than PvP.
Can I share my Log-in with anyone else?
We really don't prefer it. Encourage your friends to apply! This is what makes that platform good.
Why is the rating not visible?
Ratings only become visible after an idea has been rated by at least 2 members or after 7 days of posting.
Why was my idea taken down?
Occasionally members post ideas that don't meet the standard of the community — and we will actively take down such ideas. Also, BidClub may be forced to take down ideas for legal reasons. Luckily, taking down ideas is an uncommon event.
What's your social media contact?
Please follow @BidClubio for the latest updates.
Do you have a discord or telegram group?
We have one that's member-only. Become a member to join the discussion for general topics!
When Token?
To be or not to be, that is the question.
Design Philosophies
The idea of BidClub originates from the observation that Web3 does not really have a token-idea sharing platform that signals and curates well yet as of late 2023. And to solve this problem, we felt that it needs to be community-backed and built in public. Below is a list of design philosophies that delineate our thinking on the design choices BidClub had.
March 10th, 2024
The Problem
Idea-sharing in Web3 already exists but doesn't get discovered and curated well. A good platform that solves these problems should have a solid flywheel.
See it on XMarch 12th, 2024
Our Solution
We think the product needs to be longer-form, UGC, and to a certain extent narrow in scope and somewhat “anti-social”. It's basically buyside research, by buysiders, for buysiders.
See it on XMarch 14th, 2024
The Ideas
The pitched ideas on platform must be timely, opinionated, well-written, and public-tokens only. A base of 250-300 members should be enough to drive a very strong community.
See it on XMarch 18th, 2024
The Membership
The platform needs to be gated to ensure quality of content; and for members, we think the alpha itself, attention obtained, and signaling impact are sufficient enough to make it work.
See it on XMarch 19th, 2024
The Web3 Element
It'd be logically sound for a platform like BidClub to have points / tokens — for not only cash-flow monetization is hard, but that points / tokens make it really easy to promote good behavior.
See it on XMarch 20th, 2024
The Next Steps Beyond the Platform
With critical scale, we think there's more to the platform besides the content. could see offline events, bargaining power to services and projects, as well as reach into traditional media.
See it on XAbout Us
Supported by our Founding (Bored) Members
Arthur Cheong -
@Arthur_0xJason Choi -
@mrjasonchoiAvi Felman -
@AviFelmanJames Ho -
@jamesjho_Vincent Jow -
@vincentjow_Jason Kam -
@MapleLeafCapAndrew Kang -
@RewkangTanthai Pongstien -
@tanthaipKyle Samani -
@KyleSamaniSantiago Roel Santos -
@santiagoroelDarryl Wang -